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Fitted bedroom layouts

Typical wardrobe room layouts in UK

Wardrobe designs & room layouts

10. Wardrobes between wall to wall

These wardrobes are opposite to the bed & are placed between wall to wall

20. Wall to wall with dressing

These wardrobes are opposite to the bed & are placed between wall to wall with dressing table.

25. Wardrobes on both sides of chimney

These wardrobes are in front of the bed on either side of the chimney



30. Wardrobes in L shape

These wardrobes are opposite to the bed and are on two walls in L shape.

40. Wardrobes in L shape with dresser

These wardrobes are opposite to the bed and are on two walls in L shape & dresser.

50. Wall to wall with bridge units

The wardrobes are build from wall to wall and bridge units above the bed.


60. L shape wardrobes with bridge unit

The wardrobes are in L shape with bridge unit

70. Wardrobes next to door

The wardrobes are in front of the bed and next to the door

80. Wardrobes in front of the door

The wardrobes are in front of the door and next to the bed


85. Wardrobes in front of the door

The wardrobes are in front of the door and in front of the bed

87. Wardrobes next to door and bed

The wardrobes are next to door and next to the bed

89. Wardrobes wall to wall next to bed

The wardrobes are next to bed and wall to wall

91. Wardrobes behind the door

The wardrobes are behind the door from wall to wall

93. L shape wardrobes full wall to wall

The wardrobes are in L shape from wall to wall on both sides.

95. Walk-in wardrobes in U shape

The wardrobes are in U shape in a walkin room


97. Single wardrobes in front of bed

The single wardrobes are in front of bed and next to the door.

98. Single wardrobe next to bed

The single wardrobes are next to bed

99. Angled wardrobes

The wardrobes are angled wardrobes with the eves